How to fill out the Benchmark Survey

This summer, we're organising several webinars in English, Dutch, French and German, on how to fill out the Benchmark Survey.

Registered participants can use this as a manual to fill out the survey.

Afterwards, the webinars are made available as recordings, so participants can watch the replay and new participants also have a guide to the survey.


  • Brief summary of the design and purpose of the benchmark
  • Explanation of the key concepts.
  • Overview of the data to be collected to correctly complete the questionnaire
  • A detailed explanation for each question with clear instructions on what specifically is being asked.
  • How to get help in completing the benchmark.
  • How and when to submit the benchmark final?
  • What are the next steps in the project?

After watching this instructional webinar, you will be able to fill in the benchmark questionnaire correctly. Further written manuals are also provided.

More information

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